Unveiling the Tantha Polis Tradition


The Tantha Polis tradition is a fascinating cultural practice that dates back centuries, originating in the Iban community of Sarawak, Malaysia. This unique tradition is deeply ingrained in the social fabric of the Iban people and serves as a vital means of communication, entertainment, and community bonding. In this article, we will delve into the rich history and significance of the Tantha Polis tradition, exploring its evolution, cultural importance, and contemporary relevance.

Origin and Evolution of Tantha Polis:

The term “Tantha Polis” is derived from the Iban language, with “tanth” meaning “message” and “polis” referring to the police. The tradition itself can be traced back to the early days of the Iban community when communication between longhouses was essential for sharing news, information, and warnings about potential threats. Tantha Polis served as a primitive form of communication that relied on the expertise of skilled messengers known as pengap.

Initially, Tantha Polis involved messengers traversing dense jungles and treacherous rivers to deliver messages between Iban longhouses. These messengers were highly respected members of the community, known for their speed, endurance, and intimate knowledge of the terrain. Over time, Tantha Polis evolved to incorporate various forms of communication, including drum beats, gongs, and bird calls, each carrying specific meanings and messages.

Cultural Significance of Tantha Polis:

The Tantha Polis tradition holds immense cultural significance for the Iban community, transcending its utilitarian purpose to become a cherished aspect of their heritage. As a form of oral tradition, Tantha Polis encompasses a rich tapestry of stories, folklore, and historical accounts that are passed down from generation to generation. Through Tantha Polis, the Iban people celebrate their shared history, values, and identity, fostering a sense of unity and belonging within the community.

Furthermore, Tantha Polis plays a vital role in preserving the linguistic and cultural heritage of the Iban people. The intricate drum beats, rhythmic gongs, and melodic bird calls associated with Tantha Polis carry deep symbolic meanings that reflect the Iban worldview, beliefs, and customs. By upholding and practicing this tradition, the Iban community ensures the continuity of their cultural identity and traditions for future generations.

Contemporary Relevance of Tantha Polis:

In the modern age of digital communication and rapid technological advancements, the traditional practice of Tantha Polis may seem outdated or obsolete. However, many Iban communities continue to uphold and preserve this cultural tradition as a form of cultural resistance and resilience against encroaching globalization. Tantha Polis serves as a reminder of the rich heritage and ancestral wisdom of the Iban people, offering a unique glimpse into their traditional way of life.

Moreover, Tantha Polis has found new relevance in contemporary contexts, such as cultural performances, festivals, and educational initiatives aimed at preserving Iban cultural traditions. The rhythmic drumming, lively gong music, and captivating storytelling associated with Tantha Polis have captivated audiences worldwide, showcasing the unique cultural heritage of the Iban community. Through these cultural exchanges, Tantha Polis continues to thrive and evolve, adapting to modern settings while staying true to its roots.


1. What is the role of pengap in the Tantha Polis tradition?
– Pengap are skilled messengers who carry out the task of delivering messages between Iban longhouses. They are highly respected members of the community known for their speed, endurance, and knowledge of the terrain.

2. How are messages conveyed in Tantha Polis?
– Messages in Tantha Polis are conveyed through various means, including drum beats, gongs, and bird calls, each carrying specific meanings and messages that are understood by the community.

3. What is the cultural significance of Tantha Polis for the Iban community?
– Tantha Polis serves as a vital form of oral tradition that preserves the cultural heritage, linguistic diversity, and historical narratives of the Iban people, fostering a sense of unity and cultural identity within the community.

4. How has Tantha Polis evolved over time?
– Tantha Polis has evolved from a primitive form of communication to encompass various cultural practices, performances, and educational initiatives aimed at preserving and promoting Iban cultural traditions in contemporary contexts.

5. Why is Tantha Polis still relevant in the modern age?
– Despite advancements in digital communication, Tantha Polis remains relevant as a form of cultural resistance and resilience against globalization, offering a unique insight into the traditional way of life and cultural heritage of the Iban community.


In conclusion, the Tantha Polis tradition stands as a testament to the cultural richness, resilience, and heritage of the Iban community. As a form of communication, entertainment, and cultural expression, Tantha Polis continues to captivate audiences and preserve the unique traditions of the Iban people. By understanding and appreciating the significance of Tantha Polis, we gain insight into the complex tapestry of Iban culture and heritage, celebrating a legacy that transcends time and borders.